What Should I Know About Capital Gains Tax for Real Estate Sales? Answering Top FAQs on Tax Planning under Real Estate Sale Transaction.

A comprehensive overview of capital gains tax implications for property sellers and how to navigate them effectively.

Navigating the labyrinth of capital gains tax in real estate sales can be daunting, but with the right knowledge and strategy, it’s a journey you can confidently embark upon.

Introduction to Capital Gains Tax:

Understanding capital gains tax begins with recognizing what it applies to. Any profit gained from selling a capital asset, be it a house, a piece of land, or even shares, falls under this tax. However, it’s crucial to note that it’s only the profit, not the entire sale amount, that’s taxable.

Examples of capital assets include Automobiles, Residential properties, Buildings, Equity-oriented funds etc

Types of Capital Gains: Short-Term and Long-Term

Capital gains are categorized as either short-term or long-term, based on how long you’ve held the asset. For real estate, if you’ve owned the property for less than 24 months, it’s considered a short-term capital gain (STCG). Held it for more than 24 months? That’s a long-term capital gain (LTCG).

Understanding Short-Term Capital Gains

To calculate STCG, start with the sale price and then subtract the purchase price and any costs related to improvements and sale, like legal fees. This calculation gives you the net gain, which is what will be taxed.

Understanding Long-Term Capital Gains

LTCG takes inflation into account, using something called the ‘indexed cost of acquisition.’ This means you adjust the purchase price for inflation, which often lowers your taxable gain. Similar to STCG, you can also deduct expenses related to the sale.

Note: Post-March 2017, the tax rate for LTCG on property sales is a flat 20%.

Tax Exemptions and their Conditions.

Several exemptions can significantly reduce your capital gains tax. There are four sections under which tax exemptions are available – 54, 54B, 54EC, and 54F.

1. Section 54

For instance, under Section 54 of the Income Tax Act, reinvesting the gain from a sold property into another property can grant you a tax break. However, there are conditions, like timeframes and limits on the number of properties, that must be met.

  1. Section 54B

    Section 54B of the Income Tax Act offers a tax exemption for capital gains from the sale of agricultural land, provided certain conditions are met such as: holding period, property type etc.

    3. Section 54EC

    Under Section 54EC of the Income Tax Act, individuals can avail tax exemption on capital gains from the sale of a housing property by reinvesting the gains in specific bonds issued by the NHAI or REC.

    4. Section 54F

Under Section 54F, you can claim an exemption when you reinvest the proceeds from a non-housing asset sale into a residential property, but again, certain conditions apply.

Strategies to Save on Capital Gains Tax

Beyond these exemptions, other strategies can help minimize capital gains tax.

1. Offsetting with Capital Losses: Reduce capital gains tax by matching short-term losses with short-term gains, and long-term losses with long-term gains. Carry forward long-term losses for up to eight years, ensuring timely income tax filings.

2. Capital Gain Account Scheme (CGAS): If you can’t reinvest immediately, use CGAS for a three-year reinvestment period. It offers Type-A (savings) and Type-B (term) accounts.

  1. Investing in Bonds: Invest in specific bonds under Section 54EC within six months of property sale. Maintain this investment for a minimum of three years. This applies to bonds from Rural Electrification Corporation and NHAI, with a Rs. 50,00,000 annual limit. 


Optimizing Your Tax Planning

Understanding and effectively navigating capital gains tax in real estate doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Your journey to smart real estate decisions and tax savings starts here.

Ready to take the next step?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Should an NRI pay taxes on gains made on the sale of property in India?

Yes, NRIs selling their property in India will be required to pay tax on the capital gains. The tax payable will depend on whether the gain is long term or short term.

Q2. What is capital gains tax in India on property sale?

The capital gain tax for the short term will be applicable as per the income tax slab rate. Based on your annual income, you will have to pay an applicable capital gain tax. However, in the long term, the capital gain tax payable will be 20.8% with indexation.

Q3. How are the long-term capital gains calculated in case an immovable property is sold?

The Long-Term Capital Gain (LTCG) must be computed to calculate the Indexed Cost of Acquisition. The Indexed Cost of Acquisition can be calculated with the help of the Cost Inflation Index and the formula is LTCG = Sale Consideration – Indexed Cost of Improvement – Indexed Cost of Acquisition – Expenses.

Q4. What is the formula that is used to calculate capital gains?

The formula that is used to calculate capital gains is Capital Gain = Final Sale Price – (Indexed House Improvement Cost + Indexed Acquisition Cost + Transfer Cost).

Q5. Is there any way to save the capital gains tax that must be paid if a property is sold?

In case a property is sold, capital gains tax can be saved by using the proceeds to purchase another property.

Q6. How much long-term capital gain must be paid in case a commercial property is sold?

20% is the long-term capital gains tax that is levied in case a commercial property is sold. The quantum is not considered for long-term capital gains in case you own the property for above 2 years.

Q7. What will be the short term capital gain tax that will be levied in case a property is sold?

15% (original consideration value) will be the short-term capital gain tax that will be levied in case a property is sold.

Q8. Can I invest in the CGAS scheme to save on capital gains if I sell a property?

Investment can be made in the CGAS scheme in case the ITR is file before a new property is purchased. However, the duration of the scheme is three years.

Q9. How can I prevent paying capital gains tax on the sale of a property?

To avoid paying Short Term Capital Gains (STCG) tax, one should sell the property after a period of 24 months from its purchase. If you have owned the property for more than five years, you must invest the gains in purchasing a new property to avoid Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG) tax.

Q10.What is the applicable tax rate on Long Term Capital Gains for real estate sales?

In India, the Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG) tax rate on the profit earned from the sale of a property is 20%, which the seller is required to pay.

Q11. What are some ways to decrease the capital gains tax on selling a house?

To reduce the capital gains tax on selling a house, one can live in the house for more than two years and keep receipts of all the expenses made on enhancing or renovating it. These expenses can be added to the cost of the house and help lower the taxable capital gain amount.

What Makes Real Estate a Smarter Choice for Building Long-Term Wealth?

Detail strategies for building wealth through real estate, including rental income, property value increases, and leveraging equity.

Real estate investment holds a special allure, often celebrated as a robust pathway to wealth accumulation. This notion was famously captured by Andrew Carnegie, who once stated that 90% of millionaires achieved their fortune through real estate.

But in our rapidly changing economy, does this assertion still hold water? This blog delves into why real estate remains a smart choice for building long-term wealth, exploring both timeless strategies and modern trends.

In India, real estate holds a particularly esteemed position as a preferred investment choice. For countless families, property is not just a financial asset but a foundational pillar of security and prosperity. This deep-seated preference is rooted in cultural, economic, and social factors that have sculpted the Indian approach to investment over generations.

Key Strategies for Wealth Building Through Real Estate

Rental Income as a Steady Cash Flow

One of the most attractive aspects of real estate investment is the potential to generate passive income through rentals.

Appreciation of Property Value

Real estate values tend to increase over time, making property investment a wise choice for capital growth. Factors such as location, developments in the area, and economic conditions play significant roles in this appreciation.

Leveraging Equity to Expand Your Portfolio

Smart investors use the equity from existing properties to finance further investments, amplifying their portfolio without substantial new capital. This strategy, known as “leveraging,” has enabled many to expand their holdings exponentially.

Real Estate vs. Other Investment Types

While stocks and bonds can provide good returns, they come with higher market volatility, which can erode capital quickly. In contrast, real estate offers a tangible asset that provides both functional utility and potential income.


For Indian families, real estate is more than just an investment—it’s a legacy, a cornerstone of family welfare, and a pathway to financial stability. Real estate continues to be a powerful tool for building long-term wealth.

As India continues to develop, real estate remains a key player in the nation’s economic narrative, cherished and sought after by generations of investors.

How to Generate Passive Income from Commercial and Residential Real Estate in India.

Discover effective strategies to generate stable passive income from real estate investments in India.


Have you ever wondered how to generate a steady stream of passive income from real estate in India? Well, you are not alone!

The potential is immense, given India’s growing economy and urbanization trends.

Commercial and residential real estate investments offer lucrative opportunities for those seeking a steady stream of passive income. Let’s delve into effective strategies for generating stable passive income from commercial and residential real estate in India.

Benefits of Investing in Indian Real Estate

  • Growing Economy and Urbanization Trends: Cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru are booming with new business opportunities and growing populations.

  • Rising Demand for Commercial and Residential Spaces: With the increase in startup culture and multinational companies setting up offices in India, the demand for commercial office spaces is at an all-time high.

  • Attractive Rental Yields Compared to Global Markets: Rental yields from real estate in India often range from 3% to 10%, outperforming many global markets, making it a hotspot for local and international investors.

Commercial Real Estate: A Pathway to Stable Passive Income

Commercial real estate offers a stable and lucrative source of passive income, especially with long-term leases. Here are the key types of commercial properties worth considering:

  • Office Spaces: Ideal for long-term tenants like IT firms or multinational corporations. Office spaces in prime business districts offer stable rental income.

  • Retail Shops: Investing in shops or showrooms in popular malls or high-street areas can yield consistent returns, thanks to India’s growing consumer market

  • Co-Working Spaces: The co-working trend is booming. Investing in shared office spaces can provide a steady stream of rental income from multiple tenants.

  • Warehouses and Industrial Units: The rise of e-commerce has significantly increased the demand for warehouses and logistics centers, making them a profitable investment.

Residential Real Estate: Lucrative Opportunities for Passive Income

Residential properties offer a more traditional but reliable avenue for passive income. Consider these types:

  • Apartments: High-rise apartments in metros are popular among young professionals and families. They offer steady rental yields with potential for appreciation.

  • Villas: Villas are a premium option, often attracting high-paying tenants seeking luxury and privacy.

  • Studio Units: Studio apartments cater to students and single professionals, offering an affordable entry point for investors.

  • Luxury and Mid-Range Segments: The luxury segment provides higher rental income, while mid-range properties cater to the growing middle-class market.


Generating passive income from commercial and residential real estate in India is achievable with the right strategy.

Whether it’s commercial office spaces or residential apartments, India’s real estate market holds enormous potential for stable, long-term returns.

Start building your passive income strategy today.

Can foreigners buy property in India? Here is all you need to know.

Have you ever found yourself captivated by the charm and potential of India’s real estate market, only to wonder, “Can I, as a foreigner, actually invest here?”

You’re not alone in this quest. The allure of India’s burgeoning real estate sector, expected to soar to USD 1.04 trillion by 2029, has many international eyes set on its horizon.

But, like a maze that requires a key to navigate, the process involves understanding the intricate rules laid out by the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) and the verdicts of the Supreme Court.

We at iVentures Realty are diving deep to decode these guidelines and shed light on your path to investment.

India’s Booming Real Estate:

The buoyant growth of India’s luxury residential real estate market is further exemplified by recent high-profile transactions.

  • DLF sold a USD 1 billion luxury residential project within just 72 hours, highlighting the strong demand for premium properties.
  • Godrej Properties is offering exclusive USD 3 million apartments in off-plan deals, underscoring the market’s resurgence.
  • Oberoi Realty’s acquisition of a penthouse in the upscale Three Sixty West project in Mumbai’s elite Worli area for INR 230.55 crore (USD 278 million) showcases the premium valuation and investor interest in this segment.

This growth indicates a strong potential for lucrative investment opportunities in luxury properties in India.

Who Qualifies as a Foreigner in the Realm of Indian Real Estate?

Firstly, it’s crucial to grasp the definition of ‘foreigner’ under Indian law, which might be broader than you think. Apart from the obvious foreign nationals, even Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) find themselves in this category. This classification brings a set of regulations and restrictions, aimed at maintaining the economic and regulatory balance within the country.

FEMA: The Guardian at the Gate

FEMA stands as the guardian of India’s financial doorway. Whether you’re looking to own, invest, or transfer property, FEMA’s guidelines are the roadmap to your destination. But, worry not; the rules, while meticulous, are navigable with the right knowledge and intention.

The Two Pillars of Foreign Investment in Real Estate

Understanding FEMA’s stance on property ownership and purchase is like unlocking the first door to your investment journey. There are two crucial aspects to foreigners buying property in India. One is related to property ownership, and the second is related to property purchase.

According to Section 6(5) of FEMA, the Indian government allows individuals residing outside India to possess, own, transfer, or invest in immovable property within the country under specific conditions.

When it comes to purchasing property, the process is a bit more nuanced. Foreign nationals are indeed permitted to buy property in India, provided they adhere to certain FEMA guidelines, which are designed to ensure a structured and secure investment process.

The Key Requirements Include:

  • Residency Requirement: A foreign national must have stayed in India for a period exceeding 182 days during a financial year. This requirement is pivotal as it demonstrates the individual’s intent to reside in India for substantial reasons, such as employment, business activities, vacations, or other legitimate purposes.
  • Intention to Stay: The duration of stay in India is not merely a numeric criterion but is indicative of the foreign national’s intention to establish a connection with the country, further validating their eligibility to invest in property.
  • Special Approvals for Certain Nationals: Foreigners from specific countries, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, China, Iran, Nepal, Bhutan, Macau, Hong Kong, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), face additional scrutiny. Individuals from these nations require prior approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) before proceeding with any property purchase in India.

Can OCI cardholders buy property in India?

Yes, Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) card holders can buy residential and commercial properties in India. However, they are not allowed to purchase agricultural land, but they can inherit agricultural land or plantation property from their ancestors residing in India.

Supreme Court ruling on foreigners buying property in India

The Supreme Court of India passed a verdict in 2023 highlighting the importance of consent from the RBI in property transactions by foreign nationals. The apex court ruling states that persons from the countries mentioned above, whether residing in India or outside, need prior permission from RBI to acquire or transfer an immovable asset in India.

Deciphering the Maze: The Path Forward

The Indian real estate market, with its vast potential and growth trajectory, invites foreign investors to partake in its journey.

In closing, the question of whether foreigners can buy property in India carries layers of answers, each tailored to individual circumstances and regulations. It’s a narrative of opportunity, guided by rules and respect for the economic ecosystem. As your advisors, we’re here to help navigate this journey, ensuring your venture into Indian real estate is not just a leap of faith but a step towards a promising future. 

P.S. The world of real estate investment in India is evolving, and so are the opportunities it presents. Let’s explore how you can make the most of this dynamic market together.

Local Expertise: Our team possesses an in-depth knowledge of Delhi-NCR’s real estate market. From prime locations to upcoming neighborhoods, we offer insights that empower you to make informed decisions.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that each HNI client is unique. Whether you’re a first- time investor, or looking to upgrade, we curate solutions that align with your specific needs and lifestyle


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